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How to choose a water well drilling rig?


How to choose a water well drilling rig?
1. Drilling efficiency
Drilling efficiency depends on formation, operator skill/experience, type of drilling machine and drilling method.
2. Price
The price of the machine is a key factor in choosing a drilling machine and is an investment. The price of the machine increases with the diameter and depth of the drilled hole.
3. Operating costs
Operating costs can significantly affect the profitability of a drilling business. Net profit is the money drillers receive from well users for drilling a well minus operating costs.
4. Availability of spare parts
The availability of spare parts needs to be considered when buying a rig. It is part of operating costs. If spare parts are not readily available, it means you have to pay more to get them, and it takes longer. All of this will inevitably affect the profitability of the land business.